Friday, January 30, 2009

Radiosity - video of progress

This video shows where I am currently with the radiosity project. It still is only a single bounce of light, but the calculations used for that bounce are now much more accurate. The initial calculation of the lighting takes about 9 seconds, then the scene runs at 200 fps.

Ray Tracer Checkpoint 5: Reflection

All of these scenarios run at around 24 fps on a MacBook. In my realtime demo, the light moves and the foreground ball bounces

Main Image:

Single reflective sphere over checkerboard

Bonus images: (Just for fun!)

Recursive reflections- look close at the reflection on the silver ball.

Reflections + Bumpmapping = distorted reflections!

Reflections + textures

Monday, January 19, 2009

Radiosity midway checkpoint

The progress report for the radiosity project is available here.
Executive Summary: Project is on schedule, no changes need to be made to the deliverables.

Raw, unlit scene

Scene with simplified 1-bounce lighting
(hemicube is not calibrated yet)

With lighting interpolated across patches

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Checkpoint 4 Completed

Click here to view a youtube video of the new effects for Checkpoint 4.

Main Image: Procedural checkerboard floor

Extra: Images from a file as textures, with bilinear filtering

Extra: Proceedural Julia-set fractal as a texture, animated over time

View a closeup of another animated fractal I created.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Checkpoint 3 Completed

Checkpoint 3 involoved adding Phong shading and shadows to the raytracer.

Main image of phong shading:

Single light - note that this scene runs at real-time speeds

Extra: Multiple lights

Watch: Youtube video of the above scene with moving lights

Extra: Blinn-Phong specular calculation

This uses the 'halfway' vector to compute the specular strength
(exponent = 100)

Other interesting visuals produced:
"Beer-googles mode" Click here for video
"Artistic noisy image mode" Click here for video